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How Did We Get Here?

Kyle Willis

Talanton Church Services is a ministerial calling to see excellency in the business of the Church.

During one spring morning in 2005, I found myself in deep prayer in the 2nd floor of the Bailey Business Center. Oklahoma Baptist University had become my home as I was pursuing a degree in International Business. This burden was on my heart as I felt a calling to serve the Kingdom of God, but felt a real calling to the “business world”. My prayer that day was for God to combine my passion of business and the Church or to remove one of those passions from my life. His answer was clear as day, “Be patient as I will prepare you for My work."

Over almost the next decade, I pursued opportunities to climb the corporate ladder. At 24, I found myself managing an $8 million dollar budget for a future Fortune 500 company. The responsibilities continued to grow as we moved our family from Oklahoma to Memphis to Northern California. Certainly my technical skills increased along with my leadership attributes, but at the end of each long week, the calling of God on my life was left unfulfilled.

As I sought out God’s calling on my life, it became clear that the time was right to start a new adventure. Through various experiences, I began to question why churches operate in isolation. Some of the enemy's greatest work is done through isolation. Isolation is impacting the Church today by allowing some of the worst scenarios to become the brand of the Church to a lost world: #MeToo accusations, embezzlement of church funds, and an internally focused mindset.

My desire is to revolutionize the way that churches operate throughout the week. My focus is not on the vision of the ministry or how to grow church membership, but simply to add the right fuel mixture to the engine of the local church. Talanton Church Services is our effort to remove the isolation from local churches and cast a vision for outsourcing non-life changing tasks. My prayer is for this business to grow, not for recognition or a financial return, but so that ministers can be reenergized for the calling placed on their lives. By aiding the local church, God will magnify the impact of the Global Church.

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