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Church Interior

Facilities Management

Is maintaining and caring for your church building and facilities distracting you from your mission? Talanton’s mission is to aid church leaders in the administration and operations, so that their ministry can have excellence and increase in effectiveness. We exist to serve the local church. Simply put, your ministry is our business. 


Trades Liason Services

Our Trades Liason service is designed to save you time and keep your schedule free for ministry. We'll take care of scheduling service calls for heating, air conditioning, plumbing and electrical work and finding the best prices for each job. Let us handle the details so you can focus on what matters most.

Safety Evaluation

We provide comprehensive Safety Evaluation Services to ensure your church is a safe environment for everyone. We check for issues with fire, electrical, health and building codes, and make recommendations for security measures to ensure your church meets standards of safety. We also provide advice on how to make your church a safe place for families and children, helping you avoid injuries and incidents.

What Our Clients Say

Tool Belt



I first started working with Talanton Church Consulting a little over a year ago. Comparing my previous work in church administration to my job now is night and day. With Talanton's expertise to guide and assist me and thusly the church I serve, it has been a tremendous blessing to have a lot of the daily minutiae taken off of my plate so that I can focus my efforts on ministry,

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